Celebrate Transitions!

I’ve been thinking a lot about transitions lately. We watched our daughter graduate from college recently.  It was an unusual graduation in that we sat together in our small Boston hotel room to watch a virtual ceremony.  It was a hot muggy day and we decided we actually really enjoyed the air conditioning and sipping champagne versus sitting and sweating in the heat.  This not-normal graduation ceremony evoked so many emotions for me.  I was unprepared for the depth and strength of those feelings.  While I was happy for and proud of our daughter, I began to feel a bit untethered. I also sensed that my daughter’s joy at graduating was wrapped in uncertainty and nervousness. 

 As we drove her back to her last night in her apartment, I realized that we all were in a transition.  Our daughter was stepping out of the role of student and into the role of a job-hunting graduate.  My husband and I no longer were parents of an undergraduate student!  (a huge YES to no tuition payments).  And our son turned 25!  I remember when I turned 25.  I thought my parents were old.  (For the record my Mom was 2 years younger than I am now when I had this milestone birthday.)

I was a bit confused by how I was feeling.  And being a semi-reformed world class worrier, I started to become real anxious about these transitions we all were moving through.  I decided that I needed to stop my spin into anxiety (that’s how I picture it) before it sucked me down.  Here’s what I did.

  1.  I reframed the transition.  Instead of worrying, I decided to…
  2. Celebrate! I concentrated on the wonderful events and opportunities that we’ve experienced and have yet to experience.
  3. Put my faith in the Universe (or God) that we will receive love and abundance.

And this isn’t a one and done exercise for myself.  At times it is a daily practice.  Whether I’m in the pool, in the car or at my kitchen table, I repeat these three steps.  Try to really celebrate a transition, no matter how big or small!  Because celebrating is so much better than worrying.