1 in 5 Americans report feeling lonely.

One of the biggest themes that emerge when I work with clients is the need for community.  It’s another way of saying connection.

As humans, we are wired for friendship and relationships.  Study after study shows that not connecting with others in a meaningful way is unhealthy and leads to shorter life-spans.

And when there is a connection and relationships develop, how can we nurture them?

Personally, my various friendships and my marriage have sustained me through the pandemic and stressful unexpected events. 

Here are two podcasts that struck a note with me and I wanted to share them with all of you!

The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos
The Secret to Making Friends as an Adult

The podcast explores the different types of friendships, the intention needed to pursue and maintain friendships and the benefits we gain.


The Next Big Idea
How Tech Billionaires Are Preparing for Doomsday

Don’t let this title throw you off.  Yes, it’s fascinating in a scary and weird way how the uber rich think.  However, the theme I latched onto while listening is that we need to forge stronger communities where we help each other on a daily basis.

Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-next-big-idea/id1482067226?i=1000579555896

Any relationship, whether it is intimate, community based, or a best friend takes effort and intention.  Small efforts and actions will add up to long and lasting rewards.

Here’s to healthy friendships!
